#archlinux32 | Logs for 2019-01-24

[01:08:38] -!- woshty_ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[03:03:26] -!- T`aZ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[03:09:28] -!- T`aZ has joined #archlinux32
[04:11:26] -!- yans has quit [Quit: chaos is the only true answer]
[06:37:58] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[06:37:58] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[06:37:58] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[06:37:58] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> huh. then I suddenly have to finish and maintain it. ;-)
[06:38:04] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[06:38:04] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[06:38:04] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[06:38:05] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> so you're a garbage collector?
[06:38:10] <deep42thought> good morning abaumann
[06:38:13] <abaumann> hi deep42thought
[06:38:43] <abaumann> aha. mariadb is rebuilt.
[06:38:53] <abaumann> ahuillet: should be fixed now
[06:39:00] <deep42thought> I think it suffices to move the one from testing to stable
[06:39:09] <abaumann> I had to rebuild it.
[06:39:14] <deep42thought> https://packages.archlinux32.org
[06:39:15] <phrik> Title: Arch Linux 32 - Package Search (at packages.archlinux32.org)
[06:39:19] <abaumann> there was nothing to move before
[06:39:28] <deep42thought> looks to me like it is stuck in testing, simply
[06:39:32] <deep42thought> O.o
[06:39:46] <deep42thought> now we have 10.3.12-2.0 and 10.3.12-2.1
[06:39:51] <deep42thought> (testing and staging)
[06:40:00] <abaumann> should be compatilbe?
[06:40:07] <deep42thought> yes
[06:40:12] <deep42thought> but one was built 2 days ago
[06:40:37] <deep42thought> https://packages.archlinux32.org
[06:40:38] <deep42thought> aha!
[06:40:42] <abaumann> mmh?
[06:40:49] <deep42thought> the buildmaster believes it was moved already ...
[06:41:15] <deep42thought> no
[06:41:26] <deep42thought> it's vice versa: the buildmaster believes it was not yet moved
[06:41:52] <deep42thought> ah, now it is updated :-)
[06:43:04] <abaumann> I did a: ./db-update -w -f i686/staging/mariadb -f i686/testing/mariadb
[06:43:14] <deep42thought> ok
[06:43:53] <abaumann> so, mariadb was not failing, the build order upstream I would expect to be to build all of mariadb together, so why did mariadb lag behind?
[06:44:34] <deep42thought> maybe it has no versioned dep?
[06:44:55] <deep42thought> hmm, it _has_ a versioned dependency
[06:45:11] <deep42thought> aha!
[06:45:23] <deep42thought> mariadb-clients is also provided by percona-server-clients
[06:45:28] <deep42thought> maybe this confuses the buildmaster ...
[06:46:20] <abaumann> uh. this doesn't sound correct. if mysql-clients is the thing to provide, mariadb-client and foo-clients should provide mysql-clients.
[06:46:26] <deep42thought> it would be nice to save snapshots/a history of the database to see why the buildmaster did what
[06:46:43] <abaumann> yeah, we can do mysqldumps every hour or so.
[06:47:07] <abaumann> would be really nice to debug such issues..
[06:47:10] <deep42thought> https://git.archlinux.org
[06:47:11] <phrik> Title: PKGBUILD\trunk - svntogit/community.git - Git clone of the 'community' repository (at git.archlinux.org)
[06:47:43] <abaumann> yeah, also that I think is wrong.
[06:49:33] <abaumann> unless mariadb is the canonical name, but then I would drop mysql and treat is as Oracle third-party software in an AUR package providing mariadb.
[06:50:02] <abaumann> https://wiki.archlinux.org
[06:50:03] <phrik> Title: MySQL - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org)
[06:50:06] <abaumann> "Arch Linux favors MariaDB, a community-developed fork of MySQL, aiming for drop-in compatibility. Oracle's MySQL was dropped to the AUR: mysqlAUR. Another fork aiming to be fully compatible is Percona Server, available as percona-server. "
[06:50:26] <abaumann> aha. so, that's exactly the policy. :-)
[06:51:16] <deep42thought> can you set up hourly database dumps?
[06:51:24] <deep42thought> I have to join breakfast :)
[06:51:55] <abaumann> ok.
[06:51:57] <abaumann> will do. :-)
[06:52:05] <deep42thought> thx
[06:52:13] <abaumann> *abaumann fetches a coffee for himself..
[06:53:41] -!- thePiGre1per has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[07:01:40] -!- bill-auger has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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[07:35:20] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[07:36:26] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[07:44:00] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux32
[07:55:11] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[07:56:05] <abaumann> I hate systemd timers: no matter what I do, I get NEXT n/a
[08:06:23] <abaumann> 24798924 Jan 24 07:01 database-2019-01-24-06:57:11.xz
[08:06:34] <abaumann> haeh. I don't get this b****t.
[08:06:57] <abaumann> systemctl list-timers --all doesn't show what's actually happening on the system
[08:07:00] <abaumann> *sigh*
[08:36:48] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[08:36:48] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[08:36:48] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[08:36:49] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> please don't go insane - I think I can't fix you like I can fix the buildmaster
[08:36:57] <deep42thought> abaumann: the buildmaster has system and user timers
[08:37:06] <deep42thought> the build scripts are steered by user timers
[08:37:14] <deep42thought> ~builder/.config/systemd/user/...
[08:37:18] <abaumann> yeah. I added a system timer for db backups
[08:37:40] <abaumann> my point is, the documentation of systemd-timers is weird, incomplete and things don't work as expected.
[08:37:44] <deep42thought> and the backup and other system services are steered by system timers (must be edited as root) /etc/systemd/system/...
[08:37:55] <abaumann> systemctl list-timers --all
[08:37:57] <abaumann> n/a n/a n/a n/a dbsnapshot.timer >
[08:38:00] <abaumann> why?
[08:38:09] <abaumann> and why is the backup actaully working and producing files..
[08:38:20] <abaumann> ..in /data/backup
[08:38:24] <deep42thought> $ sudo systemctl list-timers --all
[08:38:24] <deep42thought> NEXT LEFT LAST PASSED >
[08:38:24] <deep42thought> Thu 2019-01-24 07:44:09 UTC 5min left Thu 2019-01-24 07:27:19 UTC 10min ago >
[08:38:24] <deep42thought> Thu 2019-01-24 16:55:38 UTC 9h left Wed 2019-01-23 16:55:38 UTC 14h ago >
[08:38:24] <deep42thought> Fri 2019-01-25 00:00:00 UTC 16h left Thu 2019-01-24 00:00:03 UTC 7h ago >
[08:38:25] <deep42thought> Fri 2019-01-25 00:00:00 UTC 16h left Thu 2019-01-24 00:00:03 UTC 7h ago >
[08:38:25] <deep42thought> Fri 2019-01-25 06:57:17 UTC 23h left Thu 2019-01-24 06:30:46 UTC 1h 7min ago>
[08:38:26] <deep42thought> n/a n/a n/a n/a >
[08:38:26] <deep42thought> 6 timers listed.
[08:38:46] <deep42thought> you called as root?
[08:38:47] <abaumann> If I set a timer on schedule, I don't expect n/a ehere.
[08:38:50] <abaumann> *there
[08:38:51] <abaumann> yes.
[08:39:05] <deep42thought> ah, it's the n/a you mean, hmm
[08:39:38] <deep42thought> you did not _start_ the timer
[08:39:45] <abaumann> no, I enabled it
[08:39:46] <deep42thought> when I start it, all looks fine :-)
[08:39:47] <deep42thought> yeah
[08:39:52] <abaumann> systemctl is-enabled dbsnapshot.timer
[08:39:52] <abaumann> enabled
[08:39:55] <deep42thought> so you need a reboot to actually start is
[08:39:57] <deep42thought> *it
[08:40:02] <abaumann> systemd-analyze calendar '*-*-* *:50:00'
[08:40:02] <abaumann> Normalized form: *-*-* *:50:00
[08:40:02] <abaumann> Next elapse: Thu 2019-01-24 07:50:00 UTC
[08:40:02] <abaumann> From now: 10min left
[08:40:14] <abaumann> reboot the machine.. you are kidding me..
[08:40:25] <deep42thought> no, just "systemctl start ..."
[08:40:33] <deep42thought> enable merely creates a symlink
[08:40:47] <deep42thought> so the timer will be started after reaching some target (e.g. after reboot)
[08:41:02] <abaumann> oh. my.
[08:41:05] <abaumann> what a design..
[08:41:27] <abaumann> Thu 2019-01-24 07:50:02 UTC 9min left n/a n/a dbsnapshot.timer >
[08:41:30] <abaumann> aha. better.
[08:41:51] <abaumann> Why you have to start AND enable a timer.
[08:41:53] <deep42thought> well, the design in this regard is similar to initscripts
[08:42:07] <abaumann> didn't say, I liked initscripts :->
[08:42:12] <abaumann> I like cron.
[08:42:23] <deep42thought> I thought, you like bsd?
[08:42:33] <abaumann> like any implementation of cron.
[08:42:41] <abaumann> cron sends you emails of failed jobs.
[08:42:49] <abaumann> systemd of course needs some extra stuff.
[08:42:50] <deep42thought> you can have that with systemd, too
[08:42:54] <deep42thought> yeah
[08:42:57] <abaumann> ..or it will integrate a mailer soon.
[08:43:08] <deep42thought> and a mail provider ...
[08:43:09] <abaumann> Why not copy postfix into systemd?
[08:43:32] <deep42thought> !grab abaumann
[08:43:32] <phrik> deep42thought: Tada!
[08:43:51] <abaumann> *abaumann regrets the last sentence, as it could server as a blue-print for an upcoming systemd version
[08:43:56] <abaumann> *serve
[08:44:18] <deep42thought> I'll open a feature request
[08:44:25] <abaumann> lol, thanks. :-)
[08:52:32] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[08:56:35] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[09:27:02] -!- woshty has joined #archlinux32
[09:30:29] -!- Cthulu201 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[09:40:24] davor_ is now known as davor
[10:06:11] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[10:06:11] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[10:06:12] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[10:06:12] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> I hope the placebo effect works also for coffeine :-)
[11:01:26] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:22:55] <deep42thought> anyone familiar with loading python modules in here?
[11:23:20] <deep42thought> https://ptpb.pw
[11:25:28] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[11:28:50] -!- ahuillet has parted #archlinux32
[11:30:34] <abaumann> This looks like a non-ASCII character in a python2 module..
[11:30:45] <deep42thought> I think, I found it
[11:30:55] <deep42thought> there is a set-encoding-line in x86_64 but not i686
[11:31:09] <deep42thought> I'm rebuilding python-scipy to see if that fixes it :-/
[11:31:20] <deep42thought> but it was built two days ago, so my hope's not too high
[11:31:22] <abaumann> good, this is such a small package to rebuilt ;-)
[11:31:28] <abaumann> *rebuild
[11:32:01] <abaumann> https://bugs.archlinux32.org hope, this is just a glibc optimization quirk around memcpy and not a bug in the compiler not respecting march-i486
[11:32:02] <phrik> Title: FS#57 : libc fails on AMD-K6 (at bugs.archlinux32.org)
[11:33:47] <abaumann> dbda6079a64 (Ulrich Drepper 2000-06-30 19:46:39 +0000 48) cmovbl %ecx, %eax
[11:34:07] <abaumann> ah. that's i686, fair enough
[11:34:31] <abaumann> somehow glibc builds in i686 march instead of i486 march..
[11:34:34] <abaumann> on i486
[11:43:40] <deep42thought> this is due to setarch _increasing_ the reported arch
[11:44:13] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[11:44:24] <deep42thought> e.g. on an x86_64 host's i486 guest 'setarch i486 uname -m' yields i686
[11:44:41] <deep42thought> (by "guest" I mean a qemu vm)
[11:46:16] <abaumann> yeah. but when makeflags.conf says --march-i486, there should be no fancy probing of architectures.
[11:46:29] <deep42thought> true
[11:46:29] <abaumann> Or I will have to cross-compile i486 from a i486 guest. :-)
[11:46:35] <deep42thought> lol
[11:47:49] <abaumann> mmh. the assembly code is way old (2000), so something must be broken in configure of glibc.
[11:48:29] <abaumann> is setarch now used in staging chroots?
[11:48:38] <abaumann> and thus setting a wrong architecture on the i486 build slaves?
[11:49:17] <deep42thought> it was always
[11:49:33] <deep42thought> that's, why we hardcoded i486 in the pacman-*.conf's
[11:49:59] <abaumann> ah ok. I remember. ok. I'll have to build and log a glibc on i486 and see, what's going wrong..
[12:03:32] <abaumann> ..didn't we have some build slaves with wrong architectures for i486 in the past? Maybe glibc got compiled with wrong arch? I trigger a rebuild of glibc onto my i486 slave, which I just checked for correct architecture.
[12:03:48] <deep42thought> that might be true
[12:03:59] <deep42thought> please try to not reschedule glibc for i686, too
[12:04:05] <abaumann> otherwise I cannot find why things should go suddenly wrong.
[12:04:05] <deep42thought> as it would block other builds
[12:04:09] <abaumann> oh. good point
[12:04:14] <abaumann> :-)
[12:04:27] <deep42thought> otoh it might be hard to schedule it for i486 only
[12:04:39] <deep42thought> iirc, I did not yet implement that feature :-)
[12:04:43] <abaumann> I was asking for the magic command line options for seed...
[12:04:48] <deep42thought> --arch
[12:05:01] <abaumann> ah. :-)
[12:05:09] <deep42thought> does not exist yet ;-)
[12:05:15] <abaumann> :-)
[12:05:43] <abaumann> So, I'll wait rescheduling glibc..
[12:05:50] <deep42thought> no, just do it
[12:06:01] <deep42thought> and let it be rebuilt for i686, too
[12:06:19] <abaumann> ok
[12:09:58] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[12:11:23] <deep42thought> hmm, the new python-scipy lacks that "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-" line again :-(
[12:11:57] <abaumann> python2 and non-ascii source code. I don't know..
[12:12:01] <abaumann> ..should this work?
[12:12:07] <abaumann> python 3, yes.
[12:12:24] <abaumann> sed '[:nonasci:]' *.py ;-)
[12:12:46] <deep42thought> it works on x86_64
[12:13:13] <abaumann> huh?
[12:13:17] <abaumann> that's weird..
[12:13:29] <deep42thought> and the source _is_ non-ascii
[12:13:35] <deep42thought> that's why it fails on i686
[12:13:39] <deep42thought> (because that line is missing)
[12:13:52] <deep42thought> I'm afk now for lunch
[12:13:54] <abaumann> ah.
[12:13:55] <abaumann> ok.
[12:13:58] <abaumann> cu later.
[12:27:00] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux32
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[12:38:15] -!- DCyrax has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:05:53] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux32
[13:09:12] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[13:09:59] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[13:31:15] <deep42thought> oh, I found the utf problem
[13:31:29] <deep42thought> we're overwriting the prepare() function which fixes it upstream O.o
[13:44:54] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[13:44:54] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[13:44:54] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[13:44:55] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> transmission is nice software.. I'm just not able to use it, it seems :-)
[13:44:57] <abaumann> error: Empty reply from server (curl_result = 52, http_code = 0, sha1 = 2b573451a798355d607f2da46aaa3b8dbf771bd8)
[13:45:00] <abaumann> error: Unable to find 2b573451a798355d607f2da46aaa3b8dbf771bd8 under https://sourceware.org
[13:45:03] <abaumann> Cannot obtain needed tree 2b573451a798355d607f2da46aaa3b8dbf771bd8
[13:45:03] <phrik> Title: sourceware.org Git - glibc.git/summary (at sourceware.org)
[13:45:05] <abaumann> while processing commit 5756f8227e00815727740c79fa79c0aa3997fe1c.
[13:45:08] <abaumann> this is simply annoying!
[13:45:25] <deep42thought> again some undownloadable patch?
[13:46:03] <abaumann> I start to wonder: why can public commits suddenly disappear?
[13:46:09] <deep42thought> rebase
[13:46:20] <deep42thought> ans then: push --force
[13:46:24] <deep42thought> *and
[13:46:24] <abaumann> ah.
[13:46:41] <abaumann> so, I hope glibc fails fast everywhere..
[13:47:21] <abaumann> __float128, break libgnome-keyring, because of an alignment hack in stdef.h *grmpf*
[13:49:02] <abaumann> I had trouble with pcc (completly unrelated to the project), because glibc has a __float128 hack in stdef.h, there I was able just to add -D__float128="long double (which feels terribly wrong, especially if somebody relies on the fact, that he has 128 bits).
[13:50:04] <abaumann> singularity applied to software development - releases and changes get faster and faster.. till..
[13:50:29] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[13:50:41] <deep42thought> !grab abaumann
[13:50:42] <phrik> deep42thought: Tada!
[13:51:02] <abaumann> error: OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to sourceware.org:443 (curl_result = 35, http_code = 0, sha1 = 0d828fac953172937fcc488d8129710a4cd15aae)
[13:51:03] <deep42thought> I guess the limit is calculating hashes of the git commit
[13:51:05] <abaumann> error: Unable to find 0d828fac953172937fcc488d8129710a4cd15aae under https://sourceware.org
[13:51:08] <phrik> Title: sourceware.org Git - glibc.git/summary (at sourceware.org)
[13:51:08] <abaumann> mmh.
[13:51:32] <abaumann> I don't particularly like this OpenSSL error..
[13:53:40] <abaumann> firefox: 16687 abaumann 20 0 3349384 1.9g 164 D 2.0 63.9 2:18.57 lto1-wpa
[13:53:52] <abaumann> for that lto is disabled, there is quite some LTO running :-)
[13:54:00] <deep42thought> :-D
[14:01:02] <abaumann> I fear, we have the wrong git version of glibc, it builds on 64-bit. So we should use -d trunk?
[14:01:12] <deep42thought> let me check
[14:01:43] <abaumann> or, the server is now stable again. :-)
[14:01:49] <deep42thought> trunk is identical to the released version upstream
[14:01:53] <abaumann> It builds on my i486 slave now too :-)
[14:01:58] <deep42thought> \o/
[14:01:59] <abaumann> sorry for raising the alarm.
[14:02:08] * deep42thought turns off the alarm again
[14:02:17] <abaumann> :-)
[14:03:34] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:35:03] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-wai-app-static is broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:36:21] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-wai-handler-launch is broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:39:45] <deep42thought> we have 86k build logs - looks like some cleanup is not running :-/
[14:40:28] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-warp-tls are broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:41:23] <buildmaster> i686/postgrest is broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:41:44] <deep42thought> abaumann: Could not resolve host: archlinux32.andreasbaumann.cc
[14:41:51] <deep42thought> your name resolution is broken!
[14:42:57] <buildmaster> i686/shellcheck is broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:44:50] <buildmaster> i686/xmobar is broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:47:30] <buildmaster> i686/deepin-qt-dbus-factory is broken (says eurobuild3).
[14:53:07] <abaumann> deep42thought: thanks. yeah. I think this was a DNS glitch..
[14:54:08] <abaumann> only 68k build logs? ;-)
[14:54:20] <deep42thought> this is count, not size ...
[14:54:26] <abaumann> ok. :-)
[14:54:29] <abaumann> urgh!
[14:54:32] <deep42thought> 12GB
[14:55:30] <abaumann> 28665 abaumann 20 0 3695000 758740 584 D 2.0 24.7 0:01.50 lto1-wpa-stream 454 abaumann 20 0 3694996 525248 976 D 1.0 17.1 0:00.07 lto1-wpa-stream
[14:55:33] <abaumann> 16687 abaumann 20 0 3694996 505520 0 S 0.0 16.5 4:06.59 lto1-wpa
[14:55:52] <abaumann> 3 processes all hitting the absolute virtual memory limit.. I don't have a good feeling about firefox..
[15:01:04] <deep42thought> we now only keep 1 log per failed build and fail reason - not 10
[15:01:14] <deep42thought> this should still be enough, I think
[15:01:18] <abaumann> yep.
[15:01:31] <abaumann> now we can fill the disk with database dumps. ;-)
[15:01:33] <deep42thought> ... there's only one link on the web frontend anyway ;-)
[15:01:37] <deep42thought> yeah :-D
[15:02:17] -!- yans has joined #archlinux32
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[15:19:18] <abaumann> 400:01.68 lto1: fatal error: write: No space left on device
[15:19:20] <abaumann> aha.
[15:22:39] <deep42thought> :-D
[15:22:59] <deep42thought> this only happened, because you said it would happen
[15:23:17] <abaumann> ah. :-)
[16:01:13] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[16:22:12] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:24:12] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[16:26:12] <buildmaster> i686/buildbot is broken (says nlopc46).
[16:27:37] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[16:27:38] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[16:27:38] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[16:27:38] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> I hope M$ aquired only the Github service and not the data. :->
[16:34:01] <abaumann> nope. rebuilding glibc didn't help.. so the hunt continues..
[16:34:04] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
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