#archlinux32 | Logs for 2019-06-05

[00:27:36] -!- DepositePirate has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:28:07] -!- DepositePirate has joined #archlinux32
[04:37:52] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[05:23:20] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[06:15:15] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[06:29:26] -!- davor_ has joined #archlinux32
[06:29:36] -!- davor has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:29:39] davor_ is now known as davor
[06:39:41] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[07:09:03] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:23:46] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[08:38:50] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[09:09:41] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[09:24:20] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[10:16:18] -!- alzai has joined #archlinux32
[10:20:10] -!- alzai has quit [Client Quit]
[11:10:19] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[11:23:32] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[13:10:24] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[13:20:43] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:21:19] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[13:21:19] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[13:21:21] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[13:25:03] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[13:32:49] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[14:35:44] <mrkiko> is mplayer broken for you too guys?
[14:35:52] <mrkiko> mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libcdio.so.18: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[15:10:13] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[15:24:16] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[15:27:03] -!- ofara__ has quit [Quit: ofara__]
[15:27:21] -!- ofara_ has joined #archlinux32
[15:27:42] -!- ofara_ has quit [Client Quit]
[15:27:58] -!- ofara_ has joined #archlinux32
[15:37:40] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:30:53] -!- eschwartz has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[17:14:09] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux32
[17:19:16] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[17:35:51] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[17:35:51] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[17:35:51] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[17:35:52] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> it usually automatically fails. :-)
[17:43:01] <abaumann> mrkiko: confirmed, mplayer uses libcdio.so.18 instead of libcdio.so.19, so it needs a rebuild, I triggered it.
[17:51:36] -!- thePiGrepper has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:52:54] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[18:27:58] <ahuillet> someone mentioned that the DNS pool for mirrors was confusing some servers, including mine (archlinux32.agoctrl.org). I'm happy to change configuration to make this work if someone will hold my hand for it.
[21:25:29] -!- thePiGrepper has joined #archlinux32
[21:34:22] -!- Dimtree has joined #archlinux32
[22:47:36] <KitsuWhooa> was there a change in the pgp keys/keyring?
[23:40:46] <elibrokeit> deep42thought: the new arch-install-scripts update has a tweaked pacstrap which should do installing keyrings in a more ordered manner.
[23:42:17] <elibrokeit> my ultimate goal is that pacstrap --config /path/to/arch32.conf --gpgdir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg32 will "just work".