#archlinux32 | Logs for 2021-04-29

[00:04:56] <buildmaster> i686/bash-language-server is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[00:05:48] <buildmaster> pentium4/pycharm-community-edition is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[00:22:09] <buildmaster> pentium4/intellij-idea-community-edition is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[00:33:07] <buildmaster> i686/telegram-desktop is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[00:35:50] <buildmaster> i686/taskwarrior-tui is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[00:37:09] <buildmaster> pentium4/taskwarrior-tui is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[00:52:19] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:53:50] <buildmaster> i686/gnome-boxes are broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[00:58:34] <buildmaster> i686/epiphany is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[01:10:43] -!- sunshavi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:11:42] -!- sunshavi has joined #archlinux32
[01:12:11] <buildmaster> pentium4/empathy is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[01:20:16] <buildmaster> pentium4/ghidra is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[01:28:20] <buildmaster> pentium4/vlc is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[01:30:19] <buildmaster> i686/vlc is broken (says eurobuild6-2): https://archlinux32.org
[01:32:05] <buildmaster> i686/newsflash is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[01:49:53] <buildmaster> i686/gnome-books are broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[01:54:53] <buildmaster> i686/php is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[02:40:51] <buildmaster> i686/libopenshot is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[02:44:55] <buildmaster> pentium4/libopenshot is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[02:49:05] <buildmaster> i686/vapoursynth is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[02:59:02] <buildmaster> i686/budgie-extras are broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[03:02:20] <buildmaster> pentium4/vapoursynth is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[03:03:55] <buildmaster> i486/python-fonttools are broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[03:05:58] <buildmaster> pentium4/mypaint is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[03:17:50] <buildmaster> i686/gnome-builder is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[03:18:54] <buildmaster> i486/percona-toolkit is broken (says eurobuild3-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[03:33:39] <buildmaster> i486/mysql++ is broken (says eurobuild3-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[03:44:03] <buildmaster> i686/gnome-documents are broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[03:56:00] <buildmaster> i686/nemo-extensions are broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[04:08:12] <buildmaster> i486/loki is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[04:19:28] <buildmaster> i686/evolution-data-server is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[04:24:27] <buildmaster> pentium4/budgie-extras are broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[04:30:27] <buildmaster> i686/opencolorio is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[04:39:57] <buildmaster> i686/openvdb is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[04:44:34] <buildmaster> pentium4/openvdb is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[05:53:41] <buildmaster> i686/python-fonttools are broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[05:56:51] <buildmaster> pentium4/python-fonttools are broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[06:06:57] <buildmaster> i686/taskwarrior-tui is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[06:08:21] -!- torv has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[06:10:34] -!- torv has joined #archlinux32
[06:21:29] <buildmaster> pentium4/taskwarrior-tui is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[07:06:03] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[07:06:03] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[07:06:03] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[07:06:05] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> that's what happens if fixing a bug is faster than checking out the git repo of the linux kernel.
[07:08:04] <buildmaster> i686/loki is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[07:10:40] <buildmaster> pentium4/opencv is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[07:25:05] <buildmaster> pentium4/loki is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[08:27:37] <buildmaster> i686/telegram-desktop is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[08:42:01] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-generic-lens are broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[08:42:56] <buildmaster> i686/haskell-generic-data is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[08:44:12] <buildmaster> pentium4/haskell-generic-data is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[08:57:59] <buildmaster> pentium4/haskell-generic-lens are broken (says eurobuild1): https://archlinux32.org
[09:15:49] <buildmaster> i486/ruby-gdk_pixbuf2 is broken (says eurobuild3-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[09:17:59] <abaumann> So, /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache works again
[09:18:08] <abaumann> also I tried to build clementine, looks ok now
[09:18:44] <abaumann> there was a major bruhaha around aom2 and aom3 in libheif, libavif and some more places.
[09:20:37] <buildmaster> i686/soundkonverter is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[09:21:32] <buildmaster> i686/kmplayer is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[10:22:20] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema- expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:23:20] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package c-client-2007f-11.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:23:44] <abaumann> mmh, thanks nit-picker :-)
[10:24:01] <abaumann> fiddling with PGP keys is something I really don't enjoy..
[10:24:21] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package capnproto-0.8.0-1.0-i486.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:25:22] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package rime-terra-pinyin- expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:26:23] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package ostree-2021.2-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:26:58] <girls> abaumann: `gpg --edit-key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7`
[10:28:28] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package scribus- expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:29:28] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package lua-socket-20200329-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:30:29] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package lxrandr-0.3.2-2.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:31:30] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package calc- expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[10:31:31] -!- nit-picker has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:31:45] <girls> I'll start nitpicker again, when you updated your key, abaumann
[11:06:53] <abaumann> I have to sort out something else, this is not the signing subkey, this is the master key it seems..
[11:07:30] <girls> 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 is you packager key, as far as I can tell
[11:07:36] <girls> *your
[11:07:51] <abaumann> ah. the one I called sign seems to be for singing emails.
[11:07:54] <abaumann> cool :-)
[11:08:51] <girls> https://git.archlinux32.org
[11:08:53] <phrik> Title: packager-keyids - archlinux32-keyring - Archlinux32 pacman keyring (at git.archlinux32.org)
[11:09:06] <girls> this is the one with "(sign)" and that's also your packager key
[11:10:00] <girls> 38ACA6A026D25CDD227D24832F6399DCD2212195 seems to be your email signing key - which expires on 2021-08-07, too :-)
[11:10:30] <abaumann> yep. :-)
[11:11:34] <girls> I can recommend crypt-expiry-check https://git.eckner.net to keep track of expiry of your cryptographic keys and signatures :-)
[11:11:35] <phrik> Title: Erich/crypt-expiry-check - check expiry of cryptographic keys and certificates (at git.eckner.net)
[11:13:18] -!- Nact has joined #archlinux32
[11:18:09] <abaumann> mmh. sweet tool :-)
[11:18:19] <girls> it's an extension to cert-expiry-check
[11:18:30] <girls> which can only check ssl certificates (in various forms)
[11:19:21] <girls> only downside: it does not take care of synchronization of the respective keys - so it might warn about outdated keys, because they're simply outdated in your keyring ...
[11:20:23] <abaumann> so, hope it worked, now I only have to update the keys on all build slaves..
[11:21:02] <buildmaster> i486/kwayland is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[11:21:08] <abaumann> today seems to be a good day for this.. keyservers are up
[11:21:30] <girls> you can always use our "keyserver" :-D
[11:23:27] <girls> I don't see any change in your keys - have you published them already?
[11:23:43] <abaumann> yes.
[11:23:52] <abaumann> maybe not to the right (or enough) keyservers?
[11:24:08] <girls> gpg -a --export $id | curl -T - https://archlinux32.org
[11:24:17] <abaumann> ah, forgot that one.. :-)
[11:24:31] <girls> btw: I tried SKS servers, too
[11:26:46] <buildmaster> i486/openvkl is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[11:28:02] <girls> bbl
[11:28:12] -!- nit-picker has joined #archlinux32
[11:28:12] <buildmaster> Hi nit-picker!
[11:28:12] <buildmaster> !rq nit-picker
[11:28:14] <phrik> buildmaster: <nit-picker> abaumann: but there are only 18 "intermediate" versions
[11:28:20] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package qt5-script-5.15.2-1.1-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:29:21] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package gambas3-gb-desktop-x11-3.15.2-9.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:30:21] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package libvdpau-va-gl-0.4.2-2.3-i486.pkg.tar.xz expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:31:40] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package celestia- expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:32:50] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package exploitdb-20210316-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:33:51] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package haskell-fin-0.2-2.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:34:51] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package haskell-pandoc-types-1.22-74.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:35:52] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package firefox-noscript-11.2.4-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:36:57] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package xorg-fonts-misc-1.0.3-10.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:37:58] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package libepc-0.4.6-2.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:39:03] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package haskell-hosc-0.18-78.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:40:08] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package latte-dock-0.9.11-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:41:12] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package python-wurlitzer-2.0.0-3.1-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:42:15] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package libtiff-4.3.0-1.0-i486.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:43:23] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package gimp-help-pt_br-2.10.0-3.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:44:27] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package codec2-1:0.9.2-1.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:45:29] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package python-testresources-2.0.1-8.1-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:46:59] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package minetest-5.4.1-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:48:06] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package polkit-duktape-0.118-3.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:49:13] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package lua51-dbi-0.7.2-2.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:50:22] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package libime-1.0.6-1.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:51:27] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package powertop-2.13-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:52:27] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package libextractor-1.9-3.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:53:29] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package perl-poe-component-client-keepalive-0.272-7.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:54:30] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package bluegriffon-i18n-ru-3.1-13.1-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:54:50] <buildmaster> pentium4/taskwarrior-tui is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[11:55:09] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:55:31] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package keynav-0.20180821.0-1.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:56:34] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package zathura-pdf-poppler-0.3.0-1.2-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:57:35] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package sthttpd-2.27.1-3.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:58:38] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package phonon-qt5-4.11.1-2.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[11:59:39] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm-20.12.3-1.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:00:41] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package parallel-20200322-1.1-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:01:42] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package shhmsg-1.4.2-4.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:02:18] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[12:02:43] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package pantheon-calculator-1.6.0-2.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:03:43] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package stlink-1.6.1-1.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:04:44] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package wah-plugins-0.1.0-6.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:05:53] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package ali-0.5.4-4.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:06:56] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package bsequencer-1.8.6-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:07:57] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package libftdi-1.5-2.0-i486.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:08:59] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package usbview-2.0-6.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:10:01] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package python2-xapian-1:1.4.15-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:11:10] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package python-setuptools-git-1.2-6.1-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:12:18] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package xmlsec-1.2.32-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:13:19] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package yass-0.1.0-2.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:14:21] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package haskell-hslogger- expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:15:23] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package xorg-xlsclients-1.1.4-2.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:16:45] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package archlinux-repro-20201114-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:17:46] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package restinio-0.6.13-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:18:46] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package perl-lingua-en-numbers-2.03-4.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:19:51] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package auto-multiple-choice-1.4.0-10.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:20:55] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package sunxi-tools-1.4.2-3.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:22:04] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package haskell-temporary-1.3-130.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:22:28] <KitsuWhooa> Looks like applications in stable expect icu 68 but 69 is installed
[12:22:57] <KitsuWhooa> can't run gdb because it wants libicudata.so.68 :p
[12:23:05] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package python-pytest-randomly-3.5.0-2.1-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:24:11] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package ngircd-26-1.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:25:11] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package python-beaker-1.11.0-6.1-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:26:18] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package vulkan-headers-1:1.2.177-1.0-any.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:27:18] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package xf86-video-amdgpu-19.1.0-2.0-i486.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:28:22] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package zathura-ps-0.2.6-2.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:28:51] -!- Cif has joined #archlinux32
[12:28:58] <Cif> Morning : )
[12:29:26] <Cif> Oho @ topic!
[12:29:29] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package sox-14.4.2-7.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:29:49] <Cif> Is i486 not supported any longer?
[12:30:03] <Cif> Went to https://mirror.archlinux32.org and also found no 486er ISOs
[12:30:05] <phrik> Title: Index of /archisos (at mirror.archlinux32.org)
[12:30:37] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package gtk-chtheme-0.3.1-10.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:31:37] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package gvfs-goa-1.48.0-2.1-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:32:44] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package python2-cachetools-3.1.1-3.1-any.pkg.tar.xz expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:33:44] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package xorg-xmessage-1.0.5-2.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:34:46] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package geoipupdate-4.6.0-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:35:48] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package kcalutils-21.04.0-1.0-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:36:55] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package mate-system-monitor-1.24.2-1.0-i686.pkg.tar.zst expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:37:59] <nit-picker> signing key 16194A82231E9EF823562181C8E8F5A0AF9BA7E7 (from Andreas Baumann (sign) <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>) for package steam- expires on 2021-08-07 (in 99 < 100 days).
[12:38:03] -!- nit-picker has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:38:49] <girls> Cif: i486 is supported, but it's very slim - for one, there is no official iso (yet) to install from
[12:40:33] <Cif> hmm
[12:40:44] <Cif> Slim sounds good still : )
[12:41:08] <buildmaster> i686/taskwarrior-tui is broken (says eurobuild3): https://archlinux32.org
[12:41:18] <Cif> I'm planning to move away from SuSE 6.4 (not supported any longer since ages)
[12:41:28] <Cif> on my good old 486 machine
[12:41:49] <Cif> (mainly used for command prompt stuff like reviving floppies, reading stuff into ISOs and back)
[12:42:39] <Cif> Of course I need to put the ISOs somewhere, and since SuSE 6.4's SMB client is rather old... it's always ripping security holes into my NAS'es allowed SMB protocol version setting
[12:42:51] <Cif> so I came to the idea to look out for something recent.
[12:42:55] <Cif> If there is...
[12:44:31] <Cif> But lucky to hear i486er is not abandoned yet..
[12:44:44] <girls> I'm running i486 on my router (no graphics)
[12:44:58] <Cif> same here.. CLI only
[12:45:02] <girls> but abaumann is working on getting x running, too
[12:45:10] <Cif> mh oo
[12:45:24] <Cif> Sounds like a huge project
[12:45:35] <Cif> There might be a lot of dependencies for that
[12:46:54] <Cif> Question is, how could I proceed, when there is no ISO yet.
[12:47:17] <Cif> Could I also go with 686? (I believe I know the answer.. but still asking..)
[12:47:35] <Cif> target machine is a 486 DX2-66 AMD
[12:47:42] <Cif> 24 MB RAM
[12:47:51] <girls> oh, that's small
[12:47:54] <Cif> (yihaww 24 *MILLION* bytes of RAM!
[12:48:13] <Cif> hmm.. how much would I need? Do you know?
[12:48:22] <girls> I think, abaumann is of more help on how to bootstrap onto i486
[12:48:32] <Cif> (Does the kernel even fit into this RAM? :D)
[12:48:36] <girls> there's a thread in the forums about i486
[12:49:02] <Cif> I had a quick look, but found nothing particular.. even searched the forums for "486"
[12:49:24] <Cif> hehe let's wait until he reads this (hopefully)
[12:49:40] <girls> he will
[12:49:49] <girls> https://bbs.archlinux32.org
[12:49:51] <phrik> Title: i486 motivation thread / Artwork, Screenshots & Setups / Arch Linux 32 Forum (at bbs.archlinux32.org)
[12:49:52] <Cif> ^^ *happy*
[12:50:03] <Cif> ui thanks!
[12:50:31] <girls> https://bbs.archlinux32.org
[12:50:32] <phrik> Title: OLPC XO-1 / Artwork, Screenshots & Setups / Arch Linux 32 Forum (at bbs.archlinux32.org)
[12:50:47] <girls> I think, there was one thread with specific hardware requirements
[12:50:54] <girls> but I'm unable to find it :-/
[12:53:13] <buildmaster> pentium4/apper is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[12:53:27] <Cif> I wonder why forum search didn't dig that up, indeed
[12:53:31] <Cif> Nice thread so far
[12:53:33] <Cif> *reading*
[12:53:35] <girls> it did for me
[12:53:39] <Cif> mh oo
[12:53:50] <Cif> Maybe because I am not a registered user?
[12:53:57] <girls> I didn't log in either
[12:54:01] <Cif> hmm k
[12:54:03] <Cif> weird
[12:54:05] <girls> but I searched for "i486" instead of only "486"
[12:54:21] <girls> ... who knows
[12:54:33] <Cif> But doesn't i486 include 486? So in *my* theory searching for 486 should also find i486
[12:54:37] <Cif> hehe exactly
[12:54:41] <girls> yes, I would think so, too
[12:58:30] <Cif> In 2018 he said (in that forum's topic) "So now, 64 MB is sufficient to boot an old 486 and install from the mounted NBD root as usual."
[12:58:33] <Cif> uh-ohh..
[12:59:15] <Cif> Is that even supported by 486? Such machines must have been existed for government usage only haha ^^
[13:12:54] -!- nit-picker has joined #archlinux32
[13:12:55] <buildmaster> Hi nit-picker!
[13:12:55] <buildmaster> !rq nit-picker
[13:12:56] <phrik> buildmaster: <nit-picker> abaumann: but there are only 18 "intermediate" versions
[13:26:17] <buildmaster> pentium4/haskell-wai-middleware-static is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[13:26:55] <girls> well, the i486 branch covers everything below i686 - so they're not all pure-i486 :-)
[13:28:56] <Cif> hehe.. so it could work..
[13:29:33] <girls> which kernel did suse have?
[13:29:45] <Cif> uff.. something 2.x something
[13:29:48] <Cif> should I have a look?
[13:29:49] <Cif> : )
[13:29:53] <Cif> In general could be hard to get something on that machine that's not being booted by floppy. (BIOS only allows A: or C:)
[13:30:35] <Cif> I could imagine to build that thing on VirtualBox, then take an image off that, using Norton Ghost, then putting all of these images on ZIP100 disks....
[13:30:37] <girls> I think, one can put only the bootloader onto a floppy
[13:30:58] <girls> this can pull in pretty much everything you want
[13:31:00] <girls> e.g. pxe
[13:31:21] <Cif> moving over to the 486... booting from Norton Ghost floppy.. load the ZIP100 driver.. and pull everything onto the hdd via image..
[13:31:23] <Cif> could work..
[13:31:30] <Cif> hmm..
[13:31:33] <Cif> I tried PXE..
[13:31:43] <Cif> only iPXE though, as it is bootable from floppy.
[13:31:58] <Cif> But unfortunately iPXE hangs up on boot on that 486 machine.
[13:32:03] <girls> maybe grub can even have /boot on nfs?
[13:32:09] <Cif> Interestingly ANY OTHER machine did boot up iPXe
[13:32:15] <Cif> hmm..
[13:32:18] <Cif> that would be awesome
[13:32:19] <girls> ah, I think, that's due to too few ram
[13:32:26] <Cif> oo hmmm
[13:32:36] <girls> it wants to load the kernel (and possibly initramdisk) into ram
[13:32:37] <Cif> 24 *milllllllion bytes* of RAM aren't enough?? ; ))
[13:33:25] <Cif> hm.. the other systems tried were i686 and had 192 MB of RAM.. worked fine there
[13:33:28] <Cif> could be yep
[13:34:00] <Cif> But I've read through the thread in forums.. and somebody said ipxe had problems on 486 using specific versions..
[13:34:10] <girls> ah, ok
[13:34:18] <Cif> Immediately I felt remembered on that back then..
[14:01:43] <buildmaster> pentium4/knewstuff is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[14:22:36] <buildmaster> pentium4/gnome-builder is broken (says eurobuild3): https://archlinux32.org
[14:39:27] <buildmaster> pentium4/kdesu is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[14:47:37] <KillerWasp> gedit: error while loading shared libraries: libtepl-5.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[14:47:52] <KillerWasp> extra/tepl 6.00.0-1.0 [installed]
[14:52:33] <abaumann> KitsuWhooa: gdb depends on syntax-highlighing which depends on boost-regex which depends on icu - I moved packages to stable, possibly breaking other things..
[14:52:57] <KitsuWhooa> Midori is also broken, yeah
[14:53:06] <girls> abaumann: you're tracking this down? Thanks, then I can go back to playing cards with the kids :-D
[14:53:22] <abaumann> sure :-)
[14:53:37] <abaumann> lddtree is almost like playing cards.. ;-)
[14:57:14] <KitsuWhooa> abaumann: yeah, spot on, it's libsource-highlight.so.4 that depends on boost
[14:57:27] <abaumann> gimme a mo to move it all..
[14:58:28] <nit-picker> The following packages are longer than 3 days in pentium4/community-staging:
[14:58:28] <nit-picker> ir.lv2-1.3.4-2.2-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst: since 2021-04-25 (3 days)
[14:58:28] <nit-picker> light-locker-1.9.0-4.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst: since 2021-04-25 (3 days)
[14:58:28] <nit-picker> pantheon-screenshot-1.7.1-2.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst: since 2021-04-25 (3 days)
[14:58:28] <nit-picker> pantheon-shortcut-overlay-1.1.2-2.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst: since 2021-04-25 (3 days)
[14:58:28] <nit-picker> pantheon-polkit-agent-1.0.3-2.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst: since 2021-04-25 (3 days)
[14:58:28] <nit-picker> ... (25 total)
[14:59:23] <girls> maybe we should write some script to automate testing of these link dependencies?
[15:00:59] <abaumann> KitsuWhooa: ok, moved.
[15:01:42] <abaumann> Cif, yeah, I tried once to install a 64MB machine with floppy, so I used plopp as a first boot loader.
[15:02:39] <abaumann> Mounting the complete ISO via NBD was another thing I did :-)
[15:03:07] <abaumann> In any case I had to precompile a kernel small enough fitting into memory, and not have a ramdisk (as this one alwyas uses millions of bytes).
[15:03:23] <Cif> oo yeah
[15:03:50] <abaumann> Usually far simpler is to stuff in a CF-disk into a compact flash writer, install there directly by setting the architecture to i486 in pacman.conf and use pacstrap on that CF
[15:03:54] <Cif> Installation is maybe not the problem... as I could prepare the machine on a VM first, and clone it over to the 486
[15:04:06] <Cif> oh!
[15:04:11] <Cif> Sounds like a plan
[15:04:14] <abaumann> Ah, then you can run the normal ISO.
[15:04:22] <abaumann> just set i486 before you pacstrap in pacman.conf.
[15:04:26] <Cif> I'm new to pacman... sounds like with gentoo.. just pacman <--> emerge
[15:04:38] <Cif> cool
[15:04:43] <Cif> I'll give it a try!
[15:04:48] <Cif> Thanks a lot m8 ^^
[15:04:48] <abaumann> Basically everything is like standand Archlinux, but for fiddling with architectures first.
[15:04:51] <abaumann> np
[15:04:56] <abaumann> good luck :-)
[15:04:56] <Cif> ( :
[15:05:00] <Cif> hehe thanks :D
[15:05:02] <KillerWasp> Cif# have fun!
[15:05:10] <Cif> ^___^ Ohh yes, I will
[15:05:12] <Cif> thanks ^^
[15:07:19] <abaumann> https://bbs.archlinux32.org
[15:07:21] <phrik> Title: i486 motivation thread / Artwork, Screenshots & Setups / Arch Linux 32 Forum (at bbs.archlinux32.org)
[15:07:24] <abaumann> Caveat 2: If I say PXE, I mean, use iPXE, I had some weird issues with some network firmware claiming
[15:07:27] <abaumann> to support PXE. iPXE has a i486 bug, so has syslinux, use versions from around 2011 which are still running
[15:07:30] <abaumann> (I used iPXE aaf7a35207f4fa88c6d3e1b1e26d1950c19a8169 and syslinux 4.07)."
[15:07:43] <buildmaster> i686/java-openjfx is broken (says eurobuild3): https://archlinux32.org
[15:09:22] <abaumann> The i486 ISO, well there was once a manually crafted one, I have to script it.. and it completely deviates from the standard archiso from upstream for obvious reasons (basically using syslinux, not grub, no ramdisk, kernel module on the ISO directly, also the root filesystem is on the ISO)..
[15:09:51] <abaumann> the kernel has the bar minimum to be able to boot an ISO (atapi, scsi, maybe network)
[15:10:16] <Cif> I see
[15:10:17] <KitsuWhooa> abaumann: yeah, it works now. Thanks!
[15:10:19] <Cif> lots of fun
[15:10:20] <Cif> xD
[15:10:29] <abaumann> The ISO broke with the advend of zstd as package format, but in theory one could use it with archive.archlinux32.org with an xz version of packages and upgrade later.
[15:10:56] <Cif> mhmm oo
[15:11:12] <Cif> shound be tested
[15:12:02] <Cif> But I suppose it's easier to run a 686 install in a VM and migrate the stuff over to the 486 and then (as said) switch architecture before pacstrap
[15:12:13] <abaumann> Much easier.
[15:12:17] <Cif> ^^
[15:12:37] <abaumann> But I would also like the ISO-way for machines with limited network support.
[15:12:48] <Cif> hmm
[15:12:52] <abaumann> Just floppies is really out of question, the kernel will not fit on one :-)
[15:13:08] <Cif> my machine is the other way around.. has floppy AND network, but no support for booting from CD/DVD
[15:13:14] <Cif> BIOS only support A: and C:
[15:13:22] <buildmaster> i686/libgda is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[15:14:02] <abaumann> here plopp comes in handy, boot it in the floppy and suddenly it can emulate USB properly to chain boot.
[15:14:08] <Cif> But of course, as soon as I get used to ArchLinux, I might also try the ISO thingy somehow
[15:14:18] <Cif> VERY cool
[15:14:19] <Cif> didn't know
[15:14:22] <abaumann> https://www.plop.at
[15:14:24] <phrik> Title: Plop Boot Manager 5.0 - Download (at www.plop.at)
[15:15:17] <abaumann> There is also T2SDE with a i486 branch, when I checked out last time, the author was able to run it on a real i486 with 128MB RAM.
[15:15:31] <abaumann> http://t2sde.org
[15:15:32] <phrik> Title: T2 SDE - The Open System Development Environment (at t2sde.org)
[15:17:40] <Cif> cool oo
[15:18:00] <Cif> I wonder how it's possible to have that much RAM on a486
[15:18:38] <abaumann> depends all on the BIOS of the board, I suppose.
[15:18:46] <Cif> hmm yeah
[15:18:49] <Cif> and how many slots there are
[15:18:59] <abaumann> But you're right, nobody had more than 8MB back then with a i486
[15:19:17] <abaumann> My Unisys has 64MB
[15:19:21] <abaumann> maxed out :-)
[15:19:27] <Cif> Mine came with 8... yes.. and got upgraded to a whopping 24 MB about three years ago
[15:19:33] <Cif> hehe ^^
[15:20:26] <Cif> Also the whole thing got refurbished.. the damn Dallas Chip got replaced also (by a fresh one)
[15:20:45] <Cif> and an ATX PSU got fitted to work with the AT switch..
[15:20:48] <abaumann> oh. Dallas chips with embedded batteries, yes, they are lovely..
[15:20:55] <Cif> :> yep
[15:21:13] <abaumann> I destroyed one board in a soldering job, not quite clear yet, why..
[15:21:20] <Cif> Found help with our local Amiga guys. Lucky. : )
[15:21:25] <Cif> oh oo
[15:21:57] <abaumann> I also fixed one board.. the far more expensive Sun Ultra..
[15:22:25] <abaumann> .. the one I destroyed was a none Ali-chipset based board, not quite a disaster..
[15:23:25] <abaumann> mmh. looks like the limiting factor on a 486 is more the cache (I remember some static RAM chips?), the CPU should be quite able to address 4 GB (in theory).
[15:23:32] <buildmaster> pentium4/krunner is broken (says eurobuild3): https://archlinux32.org
[15:23:45] <abaumann> On Vogons there are usually people debating this kind of stuff (vogons.org)
[15:28:27] <Cif> :D
[15:28:41] <Cif> I suppose I see what I can get
[15:28:57] <Cif> There are not many distributions left to support i486
[15:29:22] <Cif> so, if needed, I might need to get more RAM (or see if this would work consulting the mainboard documentation beforehand)
[15:29:32] <abaumann> yep.
[15:29:48] <abaumann> or, I remember I used some really small Linux to bootstrap my Unisys..
[15:29:48] <Cif> But if possible I'd rather keep it running as it is
[15:29:49] <abaumann> ..https://distro.ibiblio.org/baslinux/
[15:30:00] <Cif> mhmm.. : )
[15:44:45] <T`aZ> where do you guys have the time to maintain such old systems, I don't even have time to report & fix a regular linux 64bits kernel on a 10yo cpu :/
[15:48:02] <abaumann> no other hobbies? ;-)
[15:48:12] <abaumann> that's the reason for me..
[15:49:34] * abaumann abaumann just compiled an 386-based homebrew os on a eepc 701 in order to run on qemu on an alix1.e, the plan is of course to make the alix1.e the main development platform, but binutils is not behaving well at the moment on i486
[15:50:14] <buildmaster> i686/intellij-idea-community-edition is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[15:52:01] <Cif> HomeOffice makes you think further
[15:52:01] <Cif> xD
[15:52:11] <abaumann> true that :-)
[15:52:34] <Cif> While waiting for weird Windows dialogs, you may also do something cewl... so... there you go
[15:52:35] <Cif> xD
[15:53:02] <Cif> It's like climbing a mountain... you might ask.. why would one do that?
[15:53:08] <abaumann> same here which waiting for Rust or chromium builds to finish..
[15:53:09] <Cif> The climber usually says: Because it's there.
[15:53:10] <Cif> :>
[15:53:17] <abaumann> right
[15:53:23] <Cif> hehe
[15:53:35] <Cif> So, why not upgrade the 486 with a current linux? : )
[15:54:14] <Cif> OS/2 and DOS runs fine... just the old SuSE 6.4 is a bit of a pity... so this needs to be thought after somehow
[15:54:15] <buildmaster> pentium4/kexi is broken (says eurobuild3): https://archlinux32.org
[15:55:15] <abaumann> OS/2, pitty I only have a 1.44MB capable drive and the floppies are formatted in some weird overdence format..
[15:55:41] <abaumann> But I have Oberon running on it. :-)
[15:58:42] <buildmaster> pentium4/kdelibs4support is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[16:02:06] <abaumann> aha. found the ffmpeg hold-up, vmaf
[16:04:33] <Cif> hmm.. Warp 3 and 4 also come as CD version. You only need to boot from 2 floppies (not sure which format..)
[16:04:58] <abaumann> ah, ok.
[16:04:58] <Cif> But on newer machines you might rather want to give ArcaOS a try.
[16:05:34] <Cif> ArcaOS is OS/2 4.52 (Merlin release) including AHCI, ACPI, USB, UEFI, GPT support
[16:05:49] <Cif> (made by ArcaNoae www.arcanoae.com)
[16:05:57] <abaumann> read about it once.
[16:05:58] <Cif> <-- is doing the DE translations
[16:05:59] <Cif> : )
[16:06:07] <abaumann> only sad it's closed source (still IBM licensed)
[16:06:12] <Cif> yea
[16:06:33] <Cif> Luckily IBM gave ArcaNoae green lights to back-assemble the code
[16:06:40] <Cif> no source kernel code though
[16:06:55] <Cif> But I know of modifications made by ArcaNoae
[16:07:12] <buildmaster> i486/libvirt is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[16:07:23] <Cif> Development is ongoing steadily.. got quite a few e-mails each day. (am in the testers group)
[16:07:45] <abaumann> I'm pretty sure ATM machines are still using it :-)
[16:07:58] <Cif> They might still be using OS/2 2.1 or so
[16:07:59] <Cif> hehe
[16:08:13] <Cif> But what I *do* know is, that the NewYork subway is using Warp4
[16:08:18] <Cif> for their ticket system
[16:08:29] <abaumann> lol :-)
[16:08:34] <Cif> x)
[16:08:38] <abaumann> well, if it works..
[16:08:43] <Cif> sure : ) - Never stopped
[16:09:13] <Cif> Thing is though.. the machines are dying out... fans no longer spinning.. try to buy a 20 year old fan model.. xD, driver problems etc..
[16:09:19] <Cif> so one day you might need new hardware
[16:09:26] <Cif> that's where ArcaOS may jump in.
[16:09:33] <Cif> You can run this on a Ryzen if you like to : )
[16:10:02] <Cif> And starting with ArcaOS 5.1 multilanguage will be rolled out. DE looks excellent already. Tried out all the betas, and saw it growing
[16:10:04] <abaumann> well, as long as the motherboard has an old bIOS, or is EFI supported?
[16:10:23] <Cif> :D like said... it support UEFI and GPT
[16:10:24] <Cif> : )
[16:10:27] <Cif> *supports
[16:10:51] <Cif> For retro gaming capabilities it will soon also have a sound wrapper
[16:11:11] <Cif> like a virtual SB16 device that maps through to the hardware soundcard (whatever it might be)
[16:11:31] <Cif> so you can have SB16 sound in DOS games with your AC97 or Azalia codec sound chip
[16:11:32] <Cif> hihi
[16:11:53] <Cif> Joystick support is coming after that
[16:13:12] <Cif> At work I tried the current stable version ... and am using this like an octopus... for updating and RemoteAccess (freeRDP has an OS/2 port also), current SSH works, apache, firewall, etc
[16:13:21] <Cif> Became quite capable already
[16:13:46] <Cif> Just one thing... they cannot get above 4 GB of RAM for applications, since Warp 4.52 is a 32bit OS
[16:14:01] <abaumann> That's a secure jump station, no hacker expects it to be a OS/2-derivative. :-)
[16:14:02] <Cif> But, everything above 4 GB can be used as RAM disk
[16:14:08] <Cif> haha ^^ yep
[16:14:19] <Cif> "omg what's that"
[16:14:20] <Cif> xD
[16:14:32] <Cif> But it's got it's unix sub system also
[16:14:42] <Cif> glibc etc
[16:14:46] <abaumann> mmh. sweet.
[16:14:48] <Cif> so you can run ported linux apps
[16:14:49] <Cif> : )
[16:15:06] <Cif> Currently QT5 is being added
[16:16:03] <Cif> So.. in the end.. and when no mainboards with CSM chips are made anymore, ArcaOS might be the only "dinosaur" left, for bare-metal retro gaming
[16:16:04] <Cif> :D
[16:16:29] <Cif> or.. Win 3.x applications on 4k fullscreen due to working driver support haha
[16:18:12] <abaumann> Don't joke, I remember some Matrix drivers perfectly capable of doing so..
[16:18:19] <abaumann> aeh: Matrox
[16:18:39] <abaumann> But for 2D only
[16:22:16] <Cif> : ]
[16:22:29] <Cif> The driver thing is, how ArcaNoae started out their business.
[16:23:07] <Cif> driver support for Warp 4.x
[16:23:10] <buildmaster> pentium4/khtml is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[16:23:18] <Cif> (unfortunately not Warp 2.x or 3)
[16:27:35] <buildmaster> pentium4/just is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[16:33:54] <buildmaster> i686/just is broken (says eurobuild3): https://archlinux32.org
[16:37:22] <buildmaster> i486/vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs are broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[16:39:53] <abaumann> deep42thought: no more nit-picker errors with my expiring sign key, looking good..
[16:41:58] <girls> abaumann: yes, I forgot to add the key to the *right* keyring (the pacman one)
[16:42:07] <girls> but now, that I did, nitpicker no longer complains
[16:42:18] <girls> I wonder, if I should update the keyring sometime
[16:42:40] <abaumann> the nit-picker could complain about himself not updating the keyring ;-)
[16:43:13] <nit-picker> abaumann: you mean, I should pick my own nits, eh?
[16:43:41] <abaumann> :-)
[16:44:01] <Cif> But what would be a nit-picker without picking nits
[16:44:26] <girls> he does - question is, whether he picks *his* nits :-)
[16:44:32] <Cif> tehee
[16:51:57] <buildmaster> i686/urh is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[16:56:14] <buildmaster> pentium4/aubio is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[17:01:12] <buildmaster> i686/vamp-aubio-plugins are broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[17:09:46] <girls> actually, that's a pretty good question: should we update our keyring package each time, that one of the keys therein gets extended? Or do we expect our users to run `pacman-key --refresh` regularly?
[17:10:34] -!- MrBIOS_ has joined #archlinux32
[17:13:42] <Cif> I'd expect nothing from a user.. tbh. Most of them are happy that it works
[17:13:43] <Cif> : )
[17:14:11] <Cif> if it stops working, they'll google, and find a solution
[17:14:38] <Cif> But if you have the chance to make it NOT fail in the first place... why not take it? : ))
[17:14:44] <buildmaster> i686/ardour is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[17:15:43] <KitsuWhooa> I see openal uses movsd on i686
[17:16:00] <KitsuWhooa> I wonder what they changed
[17:20:58] <KitsuWhooa> >Building with support for CPU extensions: Default, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1
[17:23:14] <abaumann> or what gcc/binutils changed..
[17:23:40] <KitsuWhooa> I think it's a build system change
[17:24:03] <abaumann> ah, I remember
[17:24:30] <abaumann> https://git.archlinux32.org
[17:24:31] <phrik> Title: openal « extra - packages - Archlinux32 package modifications (at git.archlinux32.org)
[17:24:38] <KitsuWhooa> yup
[17:24:40] <abaumann> needed some patching in Cmake files per architecture.
[17:24:46] <abaumann> maybe it no longer applies..
[17:24:55] <KitsuWhooa> yeah, I'll have a look again
[17:25:05] <KitsuWhooa> IIRC I was the one who dug through it last time
[17:25:43] <buildmaster> i486/apm is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[17:25:45] <abaumann> That would be great if you could have a look.
[17:27:35] <KitsuWhooa> I have the suspicion that the patch isn't applied at all
[17:28:04] <KitsuWhooa> might be on my end though
[17:28:07] <abaumann> /git/
[17:28:23] <abaumann> prepare has only a cd openal-soft
[17:28:58] <abaumann> yep. let me patch that fast and see. :-)
[17:30:16] <KitsuWhooa> isn't it done here? https://git.archlinux32.org
[17:30:21] <KitsuWhooa> I distinctly remember this working :p
[17:30:43] <KitsuWhooa> oh
[17:30:45] <KitsuWhooa> OH
[17:30:47] <KitsuWhooa> I get what you meant now, sorry
[17:31:00] <abaumann> 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file CMakeLists.txt.rej
[17:31:07] <abaumann> yep and the patches do not apply anymore
[17:31:16] <girls> lol
[17:31:18] <KitsuWhooa> Yeah, I'll try to get them updated :p
[17:32:05] <KitsuWhooa> https://github.com I get the feeling it was this that broke it
[17:33:13] <abaumann> well, generic patching would be an idea. like if something is called *.patch.i486, then it is automatically applied
[17:33:32] <abaumann> having to put in anchors in weird places which then run away is not particularly robust.
[17:33:37] <KitsuWhooa> yeah
[17:33:51] <girls> /^\s*}\s*$/ i patch ...
[17:34:06] <abaumann> less readable.. more robust.. :-)
[17:34:31] <girls> the `for s in *.patch; do patch $s; done` approach was proposed for makepkg upstream, but was not implemented
[17:34:48] <abaumann> yeah, sadly not.
[17:35:18] <girls> when would we want to apply the patches?
[17:35:23] <girls> at the end of prepare()?
[17:35:26] <girls> at its beginning?
[17:35:32] <KitsuWhooa> I assume it'd make sense at the end
[17:35:38] <abaumann> yeah, that's exactly the problem.. it depends.
[17:36:06] <girls> then this will not fit for a general feature
[17:36:25] <girls> we could add preprepare() and postprepare()
[17:36:52] <abaumann> this deviates from upstream
[17:37:03] <girls> applying *.patch deviates, too
[17:37:13] <abaumann> everything would be ok, if sed would actually throw an error on unsatisifed matching regex
[17:37:20] <girls> lol
[17:37:21] <abaumann> true that.
[17:37:57] <abaumann> we could check for *.orig files to exist after patching.. mmh.
[17:38:01] <abaumann> also not good.
[17:38:13] <girls> they won't exist, if patch is never executed
[17:39:25] <abaumann> btw, just to understand things: archlinux32-keyring, you added my signing key there, right?
[17:39:42] <girls> öh, I did?
[17:39:56] <abaumann> 6c9833024b92b8c6871af5a007d5ca1a7e6f6305: core/archlinux32-keyring: new version => new checksum
[17:39:59] <abaumann> ah.
[17:40:02] <abaumann> :-)
[17:40:28] <girls> I thought, I only updated the keys which already have been in the keyring
[17:40:47] <abaumann> ah, ok.
[17:40:55] <girls> btw: I think, the `/}/ i ...` approach is actually the best
[17:40:56] <abaumann> I suspected some magic there :-)\
[17:41:18] <girls> https://git.archlinux32.org
[17:41:19] <phrik> Title: update-keys - archlinux32-keyring - Archlinux32 pacman keyring (at git.archlinux32.org)
[17:41:26] <girls> I'm lazy
[17:41:31] <abaumann> It should cover most cases when you append some patches at the end, yes.
[17:41:41] <abaumann> but sometimes you have patch, patch, autoreconf.sh, etc.
[17:41:51] <abaumann> and you want to put in a patch after the existing patches.
[17:42:07] <KitsuWhooa> I see openal now bundles SSE and SSE2 together...
[17:42:10] <abaumann> but other than that, those are the most frequent cases, I think
[17:42:43] <abaumann> ha, it's almost identical, SSE(2)
[17:42:45] <abaumann> ;-)
[17:42:51] <girls> /autoconf/ i patch ... && _patched=true
[17:42:51] <girls> /}/ i $_patched
[17:42:57] <girls> /{/ _patched=false
[17:43:16] <abaumann> yes, looks good.
[17:43:31] <girls> you don't want sed to fail (this would break the buildmaster and block everything) - you want prepare() to fail
[17:44:17] <abaumann> mmh. that's another thing I was not thinking about.
[17:44:33] <abaumann> We'll, we stick to sed with those patterns and best practice.
[17:44:36] <girls> although: we would notice the sed error much quicker :-D
[17:45:17] <abaumann> It's generally more important to not interrupt building of packages than to produce working packages.. :-)
[17:45:49] <girls> !grab abaumann
[17:45:50] <phrik> girls: Tada!
[17:46:15] * abaumann feared the grabbing..
[17:46:26] * girls grabbed anyways
[17:49:02] <abaumann> speaking of failing seds, binutils and --enable-cet :->
[17:50:57] <girls> we could put in some tricks to check if the sed did change anything
[17:51:29] <girls> old=$(declare -f prepare)
[17:51:29] <girls> modify
[17:51:29] <girls> [ "${old}" != "$(declare -f prepare)" ]
[17:51:47] <girls> but this would only check, if *anything* was modified
[17:52:10] <girls> afk, dinner
[17:52:44] <abaumann> cu
[18:06:08] <Cif> have a nice meal : )
[18:21:24] <buildmaster> i686/ruby-gdk_pixbuf2 is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[18:31:00] <buildmaster> pentium4/ruby-gdk_pixbuf2 is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[18:50:02] <buildmaster> i486/kylin-nm is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[18:53:19] -!- Nact has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[18:57:41] <buildmaster> i486/lximage-qt is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[19:03:18] <buildmaster> i486/lxqt-archiver is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[19:10:36] <buildmaster> i486/pcmanfm-qt is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[19:29:27] <buildmaster> i686/python-gevent is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[19:32:48] <buildmaster> pentium4/python-gevent is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[19:36:56] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[19:46:07] <buildmaster> i686/pycharm-community-edition is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[19:51:07] <buildmaster> i686/epiphany is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[20:08:33] <buildmaster> any/hedgedoc is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[20:11:56] <buildmaster> i686/opencv is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[20:13:43] <buildmaster> i686/ghidra is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[20:15:19] <buildmaster> i486/rustup is broken (says eurobuild6-8-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[20:16:55] <buildmaster> any/mopidy is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[20:19:12] <buildmaster> pentium4/vivaldi is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[20:19:26] <buildmaster> i686/vivaldi is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[20:37:28] <buildmaster> pentium4/vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs are broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[20:42:54] <buildmaster> i686/vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs are broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[20:43:28] -!- sunshavi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:52:40] <buildmaster> pentium4/eksctl is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[21:16:48] <buildmaster> any/bitwarden_rs-web is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[21:18:33] <buildmaster> i686/linux-lts are broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[21:20:10] <buildmaster> pentium4/linux-lts are broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[21:46:03] <nit-picker> The following packages are longer than 3 days in pentium4/staging:
[21:46:03] <nit-picker> amtk-5.3.1-1.1-pentium4.pkg.tar.zst: since 2021-04-26 (3 days)
[21:52:29] <buildmaster> pentium4/gnome-builder is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[21:54:24] <buildmaster> i686/gnome-builder is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[21:55:21] -!- City-busz[m] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[21:56:15] -!- City-busz[m] has joined #archlinux32
[22:01:56] <buildmaster> pentium4/glom is broken (says eurobuild6-4): https://archlinux32.org
[22:22:46] <buildmaster> i686/rustup is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[22:24:19] <buildmaster> pentium4/epiphany is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[22:25:47] <buildmaster> pentium4/rustup is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[22:45:20] -!- MrBIOS__ has joined #archlinux32
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[22:52:51] <buildmaster> i686/libfm-qt is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[22:54:17] <buildmaster> pentium4/libfm-qt is broken (says eurobuild6-6): https://archlinux32.org
[23:24:10] <buildmaster> i686/gdm is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[23:42:22] <buildmaster> i686/sonic-pi is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org
[23:48:39] <buildmaster> pentium4/gnome-shell is broken (says eurobuild6-3): https://archlinux32.org