#archlinux32-devops | Logs for 2024-06-03

[09:09:11] * buildmaster failed to execute a mysql query - can you have a look at "tmp.mysql-functions.query.2024-06-03T10:12:36.kDv1Nx.stdin"?.
[18:40:31] -!- trotz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:40:32] -!- buildmaster has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:42:37] -!- trotz has joined #archlinux32-devops
[18:42:37] -!- trotz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:42:52] -!- trotz has joined #archlinux32-devops
[18:42:53] <trotz> 2024/06/01 09:48 WARN buildmaster OS updates 7 updates, 0 ignored
[18:42:53] <trotz> 2024/05/29 17:28 WARN buildmaster Running kernel running 6.9.1, installed 6.9.3
[18:43:26] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32-devops
[19:48:59] <trotz> 2024/06/03 21:48 OK buildmaster OS updates 0 updates, 0 ignored
[19:48:59] <trotz> 2024/06/03 21:48 OK buildmaster Running kernel running 6.9.3, installed 6.9.3