#archlinux32 | Logs for 2024-07-03

[01:37:31] -!- AtleoS has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[01:38:23] -!- AtleoS has joined #archlinux32
[02:27:20] <KillerWasp> bill-auger: thanks. 🙂
[02:38:39] <KillerWasp> KitsuWhooa: you also, thanks. I don't read about timeout.
[02:39:57] <KillerWasp> seem its about TCPKeepAlive, ClientAliveInterval, and ClientAliveCountMax.
[02:49:14] <KillerWasp> in the internet nobody know how to use properties.
[05:14:18] -!- yanorei32_ has joined #archlinux32
[05:17:40] -!- yanorei32 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[08:04:44] <bill-auger> KillerWasp: the timeout setting to apply is LoginGraceTime 0 - IIRC it is not in the default file, just add it
[08:05:48] <bill-auger> or just rebuild the openssh package bump the pkgver to 9.8p1 - it was an easy and fast build
[08:06:42] <bill-auger> or simply install the parabola package https://www.parabola.nu
[08:06:43] <phrik> Title: Parabola GNU/Linux-libre - openssh 9.8p1-1 (i686) (at www.parabola.nu)
[09:20:04] -!- kiska3 has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)]
[09:20:24] -!- kiska3 has joined #archlinux32
[13:34:38] -!- Foxboron has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:34:47] -!- Foxboron has joined #archlinux32
[15:30:50] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[15:32:42] -!- drathir_tor has joined #archlinux32
[16:41:15] -!- AtleoS has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[17:10:14] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[17:10:15] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[17:10:15] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[17:10:15] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> I'm using till until proven wrong.. ;-)
[17:10:29] <abaumann> bill-auger: thanks for the heads up for openssh.
[17:10:42] <abaumann> I hope, nudging just a rebuild is enough..
[17:13:02] <abaumann> I had quite some fun with ssh lately, mainly because deprecated host keys and public keys rendered my very old server farm of Centos 6 and 7 inaccessible. :->
[17:13:16] <abaumann> security is a nice thing.. till it isn't..
[17:13:50] <abaumann> don't get me wrong. the Archlinux upstream ssh thing is unfortunate, but really not such a problem if you read the webpage before hitting pacman -Syyu
[17:14:14] <abaumann> Having to access Centos 6/7 from Archlinux however is somewhat challenging lately. :-)
[17:14:40] <abaumann> The fallback solution is a lxc container with centos 6, of course.
[17:15:32] <abaumann> KitsuWhooa: I forwarded deep42thought email about SPI to you..
[17:16:08] <abaumann> ..you did a lot more in 2023 for Archlinux32 than me, so maybe you want to add some catchy sentences, of what has been done to Arch32 lately..
[17:17:01] <KitsuWhooa> abaumann: yeah I saw that
[17:17:04] <KitsuWhooa> I'll get to it later tonight
[17:18:51] <abaumann> no worries. If we don't send in anything, there is not a big harm..
[17:19:05] <abaumann> ..anyway, I never saw a cent of donations via that channel anyway.
[17:19:56] <abaumann> I try to get a current openssh to stable.. because of reSSH..
[17:22:27] <bill-auger> Archlinux32: Preserving potatos for the next millenium
[17:22:49] <abaumann> 32-bit potatoes, please. ;-)
[17:23:10] <abaumann> including French fries.. ;-)
[17:23:34] <bill-auger> openssh was an easy upgrade - just bump the pkgver
[17:23:54] <abaumann> this is automatically in arch32, the X.Y build number, Y increases on every bump.
[17:24:13] <abaumann> I just killed slave2 to slave6 on eurobuild6 somehow :-(
[17:24:14] <abaumann> mmh./
[17:24:29] <abaumann> sort of an empty /home directory..
[17:25:39] <bill-auger> yea i forgot you just patch the arch PKGBUILDs - it would already be the right version 9.8p1
[17:27:24] <abaumann> 11
[17:27:42] <abaumann> never mind. terminal console with Scroll lock 1 1 enter in the wrong place :-)
[17:29:38] <abaumann> dawm AI and SEO bots.. they are going to destroy the internet as we know.
[17:29:50] <abaumann> My load on a project server just increased by the factor 10x
[17:30:05] <abaumann> I think it's fair, just to block them..
[17:30:16] <abaumann> ..unless they pay me in Nvidia/Qualcom shares.. ;-)
[17:33:51] <abaumann> nothing Varnish cannot handle. I love this software. I have now 60'000 IPs and 20'000 UAs I'm blocking or doiung some URL rewriting..
[17:33:57] <abaumann> ..and the thing is not blinking.
[17:40:46] <abaumann> I'm, restart times are not so cool. 30 minutes to recompile all regex in the Varnish config on startup.. mmh.
[17:43:09] <abaumann> ok, robots now get a delay.. the faster they come, the longer the answer time gets..
[17:43:23] <abaumann> They don't respect robots.txt, sitemap.xml, Crawl-Delay.
[18:07:30] <abaumann> Basically: fuck big tech companies..
[18:08:00] <abaumann> They just create unpaid trouble for other people while profiting greatly on it
[18:09:18] <abaumann> I have to stop ranting and fetch a beer (or two).. :-)
[18:09:18] <abaumann> laters
[18:09:20] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[21:38:49] -!- dmc has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.3.3]
[21:39:09] -!- dmc has joined #archlinux32