#archlinux32 | Logs for 2024-08-02

[01:33:38] -!- mvchtz has quit [Quit: WeeChat 3.5]
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[20:49:44] <Cthuutloops> Do i understand correctly that a build machine needs to be archlinux64 to build these archlinux32 packages
[20:52:02] <KitsuWhooa> not necessarily
[20:52:12] <KitsuWhooa> but lots of packages need lots of ram these days, so it's recommended
[20:52:57] <KitsuWhooa> for example, on a 32 bit system a process is not going to be able to allocate 4GB of RAM
[20:53:03] <KitsuWhooa> whereas in a 32 bit chroot with a 64 bit kernel it will
[20:53:15] <KitsuWhooa> and lots of packages are on the edge when it comes to memory usage
[20:53:50] <KitsuWhooa> this is one of the reasons why i486 is broken. It's not built in 64 bit chroots, and lots of packages run out of ram and won't build
[20:53:52] <KitsuWhooa> er
[20:53:57] <KitsuWhooa> *32 bit chroots
[21:03:58] <Cthuutloops> hmmm i was hoping for a eating our own dog food kind of deal
[21:09:30] <KitsuWhooa> Yeah, unfortunately RAM is the main issue
[21:09:39] <KitsuWhooa> the builds are being done inside arch32 chroots
[21:09:51] <KitsuWhooa> specifically from the staging repos
[23:16:29] <KillerWasp> gross...
[23:17:46] <KillerWasp> is all a fight...