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system environment/daemons
Perlbal -
Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
Pound -
Reverse proxy and load balancer
aiccu -
AICCU - SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
apcupsd -
APC UPS Power Control Daemon for Linux
audio-entropyd -
Generate entropy from audio output
bandwidthd -
Tracks network usage and builds html and graphs
bdii -
The Berkeley Database Information Index (BDII)
bitlbee -
IRC to other chat networks gateway
ddclient -
Client to update dynamic DNS host entries
dspam -
A library and Mail Delivery Agent for Bayesian SPAM filtering
fail2ban -
Ban IPs that make too many password failures
fprobe-ulog -
NetFlow probe
greylistd -
Greylisting daemon
gridsite -
Grid Security for the Web, Web platforms for Grids
haproxy -
HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments
inadyn -
Dynamic DNS Client
ircd-hybrid -
Internet Relay Chat Server
lighttpd -
Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements
memcached -
High Performance, Distributed Memory Object Cache
milter-regex -
Sendmail milter plug-in for regular expression filtering
mod_auth_cas -
Apache 2.0/2.2 compliant module that supports the CASv1 and CASv2 protocols
mod_auth_shadow -
An Apache module for authentication using /etc/shadow
mod_evasive -
Denial of Service evasion module for Apache
mod_extract_forwarded -
Extract real source IP for forwarded HTTP requests
mod_fcgid -
Apache2 module for high-performance server-side scripting
mod_flvx -
FLV progressive download streaming for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_geoip -
GeoIP module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_log_post -
Module for the Apache web server to log all HTTP POST messages
mod_security -
Security module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_suphp -
An apache2 module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners
munin -
Network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)
mydns -
A Database based DNS server
myproxy -
Manage X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
nginx -
Robust, small and high performance HTTP and reverse proxy server
noip -
A dynamic DNS update client
openwsman -
Opensource Implementation of WS-Management
pdns -
A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver
pdns-recursor -
Modern, advanced and high performance recursing/non authoritative nameserver
proftpd -
Flexible, stable and highly-configurable FTP server
queuegraph -
A RRDtool frontend for Mail statistics
rbldnsd -
Small, fast daemon to serve DNSBLs
sagator -
Antivir/antispam gateway for smtp server
sip-redirect -
Tiny IPv4 and IPv6 SIP redirect server written in Perl
spamass-milter -
Milter (mail filter) for spamassassin
spawn-fcgi -
Simple program for spawning FastCGI processes
sqlgrey -
Postfix grey-listing policy service
synergy -
Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
syslog-ng -
Next-generation syslog server
sysusage -
System monitoring based on perl, rrdtool, and sysstat
tinyproxy -
A small, efficient HTTP/SSL proxy daemon
torque -
Tera-scale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager
ttywatch -
Log output of arbitrarily many devices
ucarp -
Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) for Unix
up-imapproxy -
University of Pittsburgh IMAP Proxy
uw-imap -
UW Server daemons for IMAP and POP network mail protocols
varnish -
High-performance HTTP accelerator
vnstat -
Console-based network traffic monitor
vtun -
Virtual tunnel over TCP/IP networks
xrootd -
Extended ROOT file server
znc -
An advanced IRC bouncer