Letter L

larabie-straight-fonts - Larabie TrueType Straight Fonts

Website: http://www.larabiefonts.com/
License: Larabie Fonts License
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Larabie Fonts offer hundreds of free fonts for personal and commercial use in
TrueType format. They consist of three collections: "decorative", "straight",
"uncommon" fonts, created by Ray Larabie.

This package contains the "straight"er ones of his fonts, which are suitable
for everyday use.


larabie-straight-fonts-0-0.8.20011216.fc25.noarch [2.5 MiB] Changelog by Sérgio Basto (2014-08-31):
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-8.fc24