Letter G

glusterfs-fuse - Fuse client

Website: http://www.gluster.org/docs/index.php/GlusterFS
License: GPLv2 or LGPLv3+
Vendor: Fedora Project
GlusterFS is a distributed file-system capable of scaling to several
petabytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA
or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file
system. GlusterFS is one of the most sophisticated file systems in
terms of features and extensibility.  It borrows a powerful concept
called Translators from GNU Hurd kernel. Much of the code in GlusterFS
is in user space and easily manageable.

This package provides support to FUSE based clients and includes the
glusterfsd and glusterfs binaries.


glusterfs-fuse-3.8.5-1.fc25.i686 [136 KiB] Changelog by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY (2016-10-13):
- 3.8.5 GA

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-8.fc24