abort Description Safely terminates any command. Syntax smartupdate abort [--nodes [nodelist]] Parameters --nodes <nodelist> A list of the nodes (full hostname or IP address) on which to perform the abort operation. If you do not specify nodes, the command terminates all tasks for all nodes. Restrictions This parameter does not support: processing a local baseline or adding a node. Adding a node. Performing inventory on a local baseline. Deploying updates on OA, VC, iLO, and switch nodes. Windows usage C:\>smartupdate abort /nodes Linux usage $ ./smartupdate abort --nodes Return codes SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT Windows: 0 Linux: 0 Text: The command was successful. SUCCESS_REBOOT Windows: 1 Linux: 1 Text: The command was successful but a reboot is required. SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED Windows: 3 Linux: 3 Text: The command completed successfully, but was not required or everything was already current. FAILURE_GENERAL Windows: -1 Linux: 255 Text: A general failure occurred. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_BAD_PARM Windows: -2 Linux: 254 Text: A bad input parameter was encountered. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_COMPONENT_FAILED Windows: -3 Linux: 253 Text: The installation of the component failed. FAILURE_COMMAND_FAILED Windows: -4 Linux: 252 Text: The command failed. For details, see the logs.