1 Add


   add enables you to add baselines or nodes to the current working set for
   the current session.

   [Note] Note:                                
          Before you add an ftp type baseline, issue the getbaselines command
          to view a list of SPP baselines available.

   You can supply passwords for all the nodes or baselines at the beginning
   of the list.

   For example, hpsum add --nodes N1 user=<userABC> password=<pwd123> x.x.x.x

          HP SUM does not automatically add nodes or baselines.

   If you add a VC node, include the following attributes: oaip, oa_username,
   and oa_password.

  1.1 Syntax

   hpsum add [--nodes n1 type=<node_type> user=<username>

          Do not assign baselines in the same command as nodes. Use two
          separate commands.                      

  1.2 Parameters

   The add command provides the following options:

|Option                       |Description                                                                            |
|hpsum                        |The HP SUM script initiates this action.                                               |
|add                          |The command to add nodes or baselines to the HP SUM session.                           |
|                             |Object to perform the add operation. The items in the list should be delimited by      |
|                             |spaces. You can specify the user and password globally for all nodes.                  |
|--nodes                      |  o domain_name: localhost                                                             |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o ip:                                                                      |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o ipv6: ::1                                                                          |
|                             |This parameter defines the node type. HP SUM supports node types:                      |
|                             |  o windows                                                                            |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o linux                                                                              |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o ilo                                                                                |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o vc                                                                                 |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o oa                                                                                 |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|type                         |  o vmware                                                                             |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o hpux                                                                               |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o ipdu                                                                               |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o sas                                                                                |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o fchba_switch                                                                       |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o superdome_2                                                                        |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o moonshot                                                                           |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o unknown                                                                            |
|user=userstring              |This username credentials for the node.                                                |
|password=passwordstring      |The user password credentials for the node.                                            |
|--baselines                  |Object to perform the add operating for http baseline. HP SUM supports HTTP and FTP    |
|save_location=workinglocation|when you add a baseline.                                                               |
|                             |This parameter defines the baseline type. HP SUM supports baseline types:              |
|                             |  o http                                                                               |
|type                         |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o ftp                                                                                |
|                             |                                                                                       |
|                             |  o bundle                                                                             |
|save_location                |The directory you want to save a downloaded baseline.                                  |

  1.3 Return codes

   | Return Code            | Windows | Linux | Text                        |
   | SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT      | 0       | 0     | The command was successful. |
   |                        |         |       | The command completed       |
   |                        |         |       | successfully, but was not   |
   |                        |         |       | required or everything was  |
   | SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED   | 3       | 3     | already current.            |
   |                        |         |       |                             |
   |                        |         |       | [Note] Note:                |
   |                        |         |       |        The node or baseline |
   |                        |         |       |        already existed.     |
   | FAILURE_GENERAL        | -1      | 255   | A general failure occurred. |
   |                        |         |       | For details, see the logs.  |
   |                        |         |       | A bad input parameter was   |
   | FAILURE_BAD_PARM       | -2      | 254   | encountered. For details,   |
   |                        |         |       | see the logs.               |
   | FAILURE_COMMAND_FAILED | -4      | 253   | The command failed. For     |
   |                        |         |       | details, see the logs.      |

  1.4 Example

    Windows sample command line

   C:\>hpsum add /nodes type=windows

   C:\>hpsum add /baselines type=ftp bundle=spp.2014.02.0

    Linux/HP-UX sample command line

   $ hpsum add --nodes type=linux

   $ hpsum add --baselines "/SPP/" "/tmp/myrepos/"

   [Note] Note:                                  
          If the node type is Linux or HP-UX, you can use su_user and
	  For example, 
          hpsum add --nodes type=Linux user=user password=password
          su_user=user1 su_password=password1    

          hpsum add --nodes type=Linux user=user password=password