1 add Description Adds baselines or nodes to the current working set for the current session. Syntax hpsum add --nodes hpsum add --baselines Parameters Parameters given immediately after the /nodes command, but used before a node, are considered global parameters. These parameters apply to all the nodes specified in the command. For example: hpsum add /nodes user=user1 password=password1 type=linux The parameters user, password, and type apply to both nodes. Parameters used after a specified node apply to that node only. hpsum add /nodes user=user2 password=password2 type=linux user=user3 password=password3 type=windows The parameters user2, password2, and linux apply to node, parameters user3, password3, and windows apply to Node parameters --nodes <nodeslist> Object to perform the add operation. The items in the list should be delimited by spaces. You can specify the user and password globally for all nodes. domain_name: localhost ip: ipv6: ::1 Add either nodes or baselines. Do not add both in the same command. If you are adding a VC node, use the IP address of the primary Enet module. All VC modules installed, including FC modules, are updated through the primary Enet module. type = <node type> This parameter defines the node type. Use this as both a local and global parameter. HP SUM supports node types: o windows o linux o ilo o virtual_connect Use the IP address of a primary Enet module. VC nodes require oa_username and oa_password. If you add a VC node, include the following attributes: oa_username and oa_password. o oa o vmware o hpux o sas_switch o fc_switch o sd2 o moonshot o unknown user=<user_name> Example: user=john_doe@example.com This provides the username credentials for the node. If you do not enter this on the command line, HP SUM prompts for the username. Use this as both local and global parameters. password=<password> Example: password=userpassword The user password credentials for the node. If you do not enter this on the command line, HP SUM prompts for the password. Use this as both local and global parameters. su_user=<super_userID> Example: user=su_john_doe@example.com The username for the super user. su_password=<super_user_password> Example: password=su_userpassword The password for the super user. use_sudo Use credentials as sudo credentials. Potential options: o true o false switch_username=<switch_a_username> Username for a Moonshot switch A. If the username for switch B is the same as switch A, then this value applies to both switches. ------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: You can assign a switch B credentials using the setattributes command. ------------------------------------------------------------- switch_password=<switch_a_password> Password for a Moonshot switch A. If the password for switch B is the same as switch A, then this value applies to both switches. ------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: You can assign a switch B credentials using the setattributes command. ------------------------------------------------------------- switch_enable=<enable_password> Enables switch A for the Moonshot node. You can use this value for the A and B switches if the password is the same. vcenter_host This is the address of the VMware vCenter when VMware is in lock-down mode. Use these parameter along with vcenter_username and vcenter_password to establish a connection with a VMware host that is in lock-down mode. vcenter_username This is the user account to establish a connection with a VMware host. vcenter_password This is the account password to establish a connection with a VMware host. use_sshkey Potential options: o true o false Linux nodes only. Use privatekeyfile and passphrase (optional) with this command. privatekeyfile=<PEM_file_absolute_path> Enter the absolute address for the private key. The private key must be in PEM format. Use this as both local and global parameters. passphrase=<passphrase> (Optional) Enter the passphrase for the private key. Use this as both local and global parameters. Baseline parameters --baselines <directory_path> Use this parameter to add local baselines by specifying the directory. If you are adding an HTTP baseline, use the save_location parameter. save_location=<working_location> Directory where you want to save HTTP baselines you download. type=<baseline_type> This parameter defines the baseline type. HP SUM supports baseline types: http ftp - HP SUM no longer supports downloading baselines from hpe.com unc (Windows only) ------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Make sure that the UNC directory is not open in the localhost system. ------------------------------------------------------------- unc_username=<unc_username> Enter the username for the UNC directory path. Valid for (Windows only). unc_password=<unc_password> Enter the password for the UNC directory path. Valid for (Windows only). bundle=<bundle_name> Enter the bundle file name you want to add. Use the command getbaselines /list to display the list of bundle file names. For example, bundle=spp.2014.02.0.B. filter_os=<os_filter> (HTTP baselines only) This attribute allows you to filter the components HP SUM downloads based on operating system. The valid options are: windows linux vmware hp-ux Restrictions o Do not add a baseline and node in the same command. Use two separate commands. o Issue the getbaselines command to view a list of SPP baselines available. For more information on setattributes, see the setattributes help file. o HP SUM interactive CLI mode does not automatically add nodes or baselines. The interactive CLI mode does not automatically add associated nodes. Use GUI mode to add associated devices. Usage hpsum add [--nodes n1 [type=<node_type>] [user=<username>] [password=<userpassword>] [su_user=<su_user>] [su_password=<suuser_password>] [use_sudo=true] [switch_username=<Moonshot_switchA_username>] [switch_password=<Moonshot_switchA_password>] [switch_enable=<Moonshot_switchA_enable>] --baselines b1 [save_location=<directory>] [type=<baseline_type] Windows usage Windows sample command line C:\>hpsum add /nodes type=windows C:\>hpsum add /baselines type=http save_location=c:\temp\spp bundle= filter_os=linux C:\>hpsum add /nodes type=vc user=Administrator password=12iso*help oa_username=Administrator oa_password=12iso*help C:\>hpsum add /nodes type=vmware vcenter_host= vcenter_username=Administrator vcenter_password=password C:\>hpsum add /nodes type=virtual_connect oa_username=Administrator oa_password=mypassword1 Linux usage $ ./hpsum add --nodes type=linux $ ./hpsum add --baselines "/SPP/" "/tmp/myrepos/" $ ./hpsum add --baselines type=http save_location=c:\temp\spp bundle= filter_os=linux $ ./hpsum add --nodes type=vc user=Administrator password=12iso*help oa_username=Administrator oa_password=12iso*help $ ./hpsum add --nodes type=vmware vcenter_host= vcenter_username=Administrator vcenter_password=password $ ./hpsum add --nodes type=virtual_connect oa_username=Administrator oa_password=mypassword1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If the node type is Linux or HP-UX, you can use su_user and su_password, or use use_sudo. For example: hpsum add /nodes type=Linux user=user password=password su_user=user1 su_password=password1 hpsum add /nodes type=Linux user=user password=password use_sudo=true --------------------------------------------------------------------- Return codes SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT Windows code: 0 Linux code: 0 Text: The command was successful. SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED Windows code: 3 Linux code: 3 Text: The command completed successfully, but was not required or everything was already current. --------------------------------------- NOTE: The node or baseline already existed. --------------------------------------- FAILURE_GENERAL Windows code: -1 Linux code: 255 Text: A general failure occurred. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_BAD_PARM Windows code: -2 Linux code: 254 Text: A bad input parameter was encountered. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_COMMAND_FAILED Windows code: -4 Linux code: 253 Text: The command failed. For details, see the logs.