PUIAS Penguin

Letter P

perl-Module-Manifest - Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file

Website: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Manifest/
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Module::Manifest is a simple utility module created originally for use in


perl-Module-Manifest-1.08-5.sdl6.noarch [24 KiB] Changelog by Paul Howarth (2011-08-08):
- Fix sample script permissions in %prep rather than %install
- Drop Test::Exception version requirement to 0.26 for EPEL-4/5 compatibility
  (test suite still passes)
- Don't use macros for commands
- Make %files list more explicit
- BR: perl(Test::CPAN::Meta), perl(Test::MinimumVersion) and perl(Test::Pod),
  and run the release tests too

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6