
Ensure the Bluetooth controller is not blocked. Use rfkill to check whether there are any blocks and to remove soft blocks. If there is a hard block, there is likely either a physical hardware switch or an option in the BIOS to enable the Bluetooth controller.

$ rfkill
0 wlan      phy0   unblocked unblocked
1 bluetooth hci0     blocked unblocked

# rfkill unblock bluetooth


Install the bluez package and enable the bluetoothd and dbus services. Then, add your user to the bluetooth group and restart the dbus service, or simply reboot the system. Note that restarting the dbus service may kill processes making use of it.

To use an audio device such as a wireless speaker or headset, ALSA users need to install the bluez-alsa package. PulseAudio users do not need any additional software. PipeWire users need libspa-bluetooth.


Manage Bluetooth connections and controllers using bluetoothctl, which provides a command line interface and also accepts commands on standard input.

Consult the Arch Wiki for an example of how to pair a device.


The main configuration file is /etc/bluetooth/main.conf.